What color is my parachute?

When we moved to Brussels, what I missed most—aside from friends and family—was my job in a public library. Like every worker in every workplace, I complained, but the fact was that "Public Relations/Public Services Librarian" was the perfect job for me, one that drew fully on my education, skills, and interests. That many of my colleagues came to feel like the sisters I never had was icing on the cake.

Although I was sorry to leave Europe ahead of schedule, I assumed that I'd be able to jump right back into the public library world. Bad, bad assumption.

In the seven months since we arrived in Colorado, there have been only four (4!) public library jobs posted that a) I was qualified for (it wasn't a Youth Services position); b) I was interested in (it was what librarians call a "front-desk" position, as opposed to a "back-room" position); and c) I could get to with a commute of 25 miles or less.

Job 1: This position was actually posted before we moved back to the States. I had no Colorado address and no local phone number, so it's no surprise that I didn't get an interview. Hiring is hard enough without having to chase down candidates halfway around the world.

Job 2: I got an interview, but not the job. Ironically, this particular library district seems to be the only one hiring right now. It has had several openings since spring.

Job 3: My application—online, as many job applications are these days—apparently vanished into a black hole.

Job 4: I received a lovely letter saying that the library had decided not to interview for the position at this time, but that I might hear from them in the future.

Which leaves me with the problem of, "If not a library job, then what?" Writing? Editing? Barista-ing? Cleaning kennels? Part of me is desperate for intellectual stimulation, as I envision my brain turning into a bowl of mashed potatoes. Another part of me would be content to give a person or an animal a moment of happiness.