Calling Mr. Spielberg

My brain finally clicked on why this pair in the shelter look so familiar. Rascal and Semoran are living, breathing, snuffling versions of Snowy, companion to Tintin, the most beloved of Belgian comic strip characters. 2007 was the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hergé, Tintin's creator, and images of the boy and his faithful dog were even more ubiquitous in Brussels than usual.

Perhaps Steven Spielberg could use these little fellows in his upcoming film of Tintin's adventures.

Photo: TMAC


Anonymous said...

Deux petits Milous, how cute!
I don't know about a Spielberg version of Tintin. It's one of those work that just doesn't translate very well in another language. Not to mention that calling someone a crazy Zapotec is hardly PC these days.

Those two little guys should be able to find a home easily, no?