The Tattered Cover

He has been thirsting for books, for anything to read. He has long ago finished The Riddle of the Sands, which he brought with him into NEFA, and has been reduced to reading the labels on bottles of medicine, the fine print at the bottom of army requisition forms, and as even these have run out he has started to experience a kind of panic, as if he is slowly drowning.

Vikram Chandra
from Sacred Games

It's sometimes hard to explain just how much I love to read and how cranky I feel if I'm temporarily bookless. (Truth be told, I'm happiest if I have a stack of books to read. Just to be on the safe side.) Although the Jefferson County Library system has been keeping my bedside table full, I knew I "was home" today when I visited the Tattered Cover bookstore in Denver for the first time and was greeted by this huge sign on the door.


Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

glad you found a new place...I like the photo, i can see you taking the photo in it.

Jude said...

I just read Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks and though it was wonderful. Given how you snarf down books, I'm sure you read it years ago. I'm now going to start on People of the Book which she also wrote.