Without my computer . . .

I feel like I'm missing a limb. The PC caught a virus and has been at Microtek for a week; they tell me it will be a few more days until I can get it back, healthy and with more memory.

I've become one of those people who pour into the public library when it opens so I can snag a computer. In the evenings, Jim lets me borrow his laptop, which is kind, but makes me feel like a poor relation. Meanwhile, my camera is full of photos waiting to be downloaded.


Anonymous said...

Oh , I know how you feel! I left my laptop behind at the security check in Washington, DC on my way home. I couldn't believe I could be so stupid. Then the security gorilla WOULD NOT let me retrieve it. He kept saying "Stand back 5 feet!" with his hand on his gun. I was just sick over the whole thing,
BUT, United customer service eventually retrieved it and flew it to me-at a price, needless to say.
Like you, I felt totally incomplete without it. I hope yours is soon returned to you in perfect shape!

peanut gallery said...

Time for a Mac! Better graphics and no viruses.

Kate G said...

Oh, Françoise, I have nightmares about airport experiences such as yours. Thank goodness your laptop is back home!

Kate G said...

A Mac? Really, I'm not sure I'm cool enough for a Mac . . .

Anonymous said...

Oh yes you are so, cool enough for a Mac. They are sooo easy to use!