"Your qualifications are impresssive, however,

another candidate was chosen, whose knowledge and experience more closely fit our requirements."

Intellectually, I realized midway through the job interview that the position would not have been a good fit. Emotionally, it was still a bit of a knock up the side of the head when the envelope arrived yesterday.

All I could think of was a fake rejection letter that one of my classmates had taped to his kitchen wall during our last term in library school, when jobs for new graduates were scarce. The letter, addressed to probably the only famous librarian whose name the public might recognize, read, in part, "Frankly, Mr. Dewey, we wouldn't even hire you to sweep our floors."


Anonymous said...

Dear Kate, it's always easier to reject than to be rejected but I am sure that in a little while you'll have the job that is a good fit for you and be glad that this one passed you by.

I empathized with your entry on your aging Hana. I live with a friendly nondescript 20 year-old cat named Gris and every time I leave on a trip I wonder if he'll still be there when I return. He, too, sleeps a lot though once in a while he still indulges in kamikaze runs through the house. I have never figured out what triggers those but they are hilarious!
Is still miss your Belgian posts but I do enjoy Jill's a lot!

Jill, Foxy and Ana said...

The right Job will come along soon.

Jude said...

I can't remember if I told you this, but in my second year of law school, I lived with three guys who were in their last year and applying for jobs. They were getting so many rejection letters that we started posting them on the stairwell walls. In a short time, there wasn't enough room, and they started coating the walls of the upstairs halls as well. They all found something suitable, and so will you. You, at least (unlike them), have experience and know how to behave!