After yesterday, though, I'm feeling very tentative about Colorado canines. On our afternoon walk, Hana was attacked by a huge Rottweiler. The dog, whose leash was held by a small girl, was in its owner's front yard as we passed by on our evening walk. When the dog saw Hana, he pulled over the little girl (fortunately, she was on the grass). She let go of his leash, and the dog charged Hana with fangs bared and grabbed her. It was like a horror movie; I couldn't get her away from him.
After what felt like five minutes, but was probably a lot less, the owner came out and collared the Rottweiler. He offered to pay the vet bill for any injuries, but didn't apologize. In shock, I said that I'd have to take Hana home to look for puncture wounds.
When we stopped back at the Rottweiler's house on the way to the vet--Hana had a deep puncture wound on her spine--the owner still didn't apologize, but went on and on about how this had never happened before, how his dog always got along with people and other dogs, blah, blah, blah.
I can never walk that route again. For the first time in my life, I'm scared of a dog.